
Targeted marketing that works
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Real time impact

Create relevant messaging that is targeted individually

Beacons are small devices that repeatedly transmit a small amount of data via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) or Wi-Fi with Bluetooth BLE. To make a Beacon useful, a device must be available to pick up the signal they send. This device is called a receiver. A mobile phone can work as both a Beacon and a receiver.

Benefits in Digital Signage

The 2 most common uses of Beacons are for monitoring the movements of people or assets within a space or for triggering a notification on a mobile device when a user enters a space. To make Beacons truly useful, they must be used in conjunction with mobile devices.

  • Create relevant messaging that is targeted individually
  • Document traffic patterns to ensure that screens are in the most optimal locations
  • In a retail environment, trigger a notification with a coupon on customers mobile phones and reinforce the promotion with related digital signage content
  • In a warehouse, trigger a warning message to display on a nearby screen when a user comes too close to a dangerous location or hazardous materials
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Use Beacons to pursue customers with tailor-made ads and personalized suggestions.