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Manufacturing works better with Digital Signage

Three reasons Why Manufacturing works better with Digital Signage

Digital signage as an innovation that benefits Manufacturing industry

Digital Signage is important to the Manufacturing industry for many reasons and these are three that stand out:

First reason:  Workplace injury costs any company an average of $70,000/annual! If used properly, displaying dynamic safety policies and protocols reminders, we can help reduce work place accidents. People often ignore safety posters or emergency instructions displayed on printed materials. Therefore, these messages can be lost and lead to an injury. Digital Signage can display appropriate security icons and will inform employees with needed actions.

Second reason:  Increase production!  In many manufacturing plants, part-time workers are used. These part-time workers are not allowed to have their mobile phones on them. The best way to communicate important information would be to use digital signage boards to show real time production, help increase production & therefore reducing overtime costs.

Third reason:  Boost employee morale! With the plant manager scheduling updated information first thing in the morning, it will give him/her more free time for other tasks.  Boost employee engagement by show recognition, promotions, contests, work anniversaries, up coming events, and pictures of company events.

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