Maximize the effectiveness of your digital signage by understanding more about your audiences.
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The Right Content at the Right Time

Audience Analytics provides an entirely anonymous way to analyze the demographic make-up of a group of people near a display. The Audience Analytics information is linked with the content being displayed and can also be used to trigger content targeted to the specific gender and age group in real-time. The data collected is completely anonymous, meaning that it cannot used to identify a specific individual.

Features and Benefits

  • Collect audience data: Collect age and gender information in real time to understand who is looking at your digital signage and when.
  • Trigger targeted content: Link analytics information to the Content Manager to trigger specific content in real-time
  • Privacy: Audience Analytics does not collect personally identifiable information.

Talk to an Expert

Learn more about how analytic information and digital displays work together to provide a superior audience experience.


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